Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.
– Alice Walker
Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.
– Alice Walker
Enlarged labia minora and majora can be resized and reshaped. The labiaplasty surgery is performed by Dr. Leila Kasrai, one of the few female board certified plastic surgeons in the city.
our overly enlarged and misshapen labia minora is a constant source of embarrassment for you. This is because they are so prominent that you find their appearance undesirable.
You may lack self-confidence as a direct result of this. You find the prominent appearance of your labia embarrassing, and believe it to be abnormal. You feel embarrassed and avoid wearing bathing suits or snug shorts. Some of my patients undergoing a mommy makeover have even expressed embarrassment caused by their own children, who have pointed it out and asked what it was.
Labiaplasty is a type of female genital enhancement procedure that is designed to remove excessive labia tissue from the labia minora (inner vaginal lips), the labia majora (outer vaginal lips) or both. Functional reasons may also be a factor for patients undergoing the procedure.
As a woman, I have first-hand knowledge of the female genitalia. The most important thing you should know is that you are not abnormal. There is such a huge variation of the size and shape of the female genital area, and prominent and/or asymmetric labia is just one variation. This is totally normal and nothing to be concerned about.
However, if you experience embarrassment from your enlarged labia, then it's worth considering labiaplasty as a way to improve your self-perception.
Some patients dislike the idea of being exposed to a male they don't know, even if he is a doctor. Even BBC news reported this issue. For this reason, I make sure that all my nursing staff are women. In the rare event you require general anesthesia for this procedure (or any other!), I can also arrange to have a female anesthetist to make your experience more comfortable. This isn't an unusual request and happens a few times a year, for which I'm more than happy to accommodate! Read more about our all-female medical team
Eva, our patient coordinator, will also be there on the day of your surgery. She can provide you, and those who accompany you, with support.
Because I was one of the few plastic surgeons in Canada who performed labiaplasty 15 years ago (when I was first board certified), I was sought by patients from all over the country. Back then, a procedure that could improve the shape of the labia wasn't even known to exist! This means I have national recognition as being one of the first female plastic and reconstructive surgeons in the country who performed labiaplasty.
I have performed surgery to correct a diverse range of aesthetic issues affecting the labia. These issues may be caused by genetics and weight gain to childbirth and aging. However, my primary goal for all of my patients is to improve the appearance of the labia — all while maintaining its healthy function. Your labiaplasty results should not just be aesthetic, but also functional. For this reason, I will never perform techniques that modify the labia structures excessively, leaving only a thin strip of tissue that results in an unnatural appearance. I will only remove or reshape the labia to a proportionate extent for a more natural improvement.
I take extra care in performing your surgery. I never just "snip-snip" — I pay special attention to structure and function and take time to perform your surgery. That means I may take a little longer than other surgeons, but you can be confident in knowing that I'm not rushing it through or even making careless mistakes. After all, the genital area is highly sensitive and deserves extra care!
Many people think that labiaplasty is a type of genital mutilation. This couldn't be further from the truth. I perform labiaplasty for the primary purpose of eliminating the embarrassment associated with prominent labia.
– Dr. Leila Kasrai
The tissues of the female genitals are delicate. When incisions at the surgical site are closed with improper suturing techniques, the tissues can become ridged. This distorts the natural appearance of the labia and causes visible scarring that can even be painful. For this reason, I perform a hidden suturing technique that prevents ridging. It is a technique that very few plastic surgeons perform.
Surgery usually takes about one hour. Local anesthesia is administered and no overnight stay is required. Because the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, you can drive yourself home after surgery if you feel comfortable enough to do so.
I perform labia minora reduction using one of two approaches: the wedge method or the trim method.
The Wedge | The Trim | |
who it's for | For women who have asymmetrical or excess labial tissue. | For women whose inner lips have discoloured and/or uneven edges. |
technique | A “V” shaped wedge of excess labia tissue is removed, after which the edges of remaining skin are sutured together. | The labia trim surgical method trims excess skin from the edges of the labia minora to a more desirable shape. This method uses a vertical incision along the length of the labia minora at the surgical site. |
pros | No visible scar and the most natural-looking results, as it preserves the natural edges of the inner lips. It also causes less discomfort and sensitivity during the recovery period. | More suitable for more extensive correction, or when a clitoral hood reduction, or clitoropexy, is performed at the same time. |
The entire procedure usually takes about two hours to complete. 99% of the time, only local anesthesia is administered.
An incision is made within the inner vaginal lips. Through this incision, excess fat in the labia majora is removed with liposuction. The mons pubis can also be targeted at this time. Excess skin is then trimmed from the outer edges of the labia majora. The scar that is left is hidden in the folds of the inner lips.
Mons pubis liposuction may also be performed on its own, without the excision of tissue.
You may experience mild swelling and bruising in the treated area in the first few days after the procedure. You can reduce any discomfort by taking pain medication I prescribe. You should stay off your feet and apply ice packs to minimize swelling. Ibuprofen can be taken to decrease swelling as well. You will most likely need to take two or three days off from work or your usual schedule. For this reason, I usually perform labiaplasty on a Thursday, so you can return to work or school the following Monday.
You can shower about 24 hours after labiaplasty. You should clean the treated area with soap and water to help avoid infection. You will need to wear a sanitary napkin for about a week following surgery. I use dissolvable sutures, so you won't have to have them removed.
Avoid sexual activity or any activity that will irritate your newly sculpted labia for approximately one month, or as I advise.
The tissue in the vaginal area generally heals fairly quickly, and you should notice your smaller, more symmetrical labia contour within a couple of weeks after surgery.
Everything you need to know about Labiaplasty procedures.
A: Labiaplasty, also known as labioplasty and labia reduction or labia trim, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that reshapes and resizes the labia majora and labia minora (outer and inner lips of the external female genitalia). It has been gaining popularity in recent years. According to the American Soceity for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of labiaplasty procedures performed increased by a staggering 49% in 2014! You may have heard the term "designer vagina" — labiaplasty is one of the female genital refinement procedures that achieves this. Other people may also refer to it as a labia lift, which rejuvenates sagging labial tissues. Therefore, you can also consider it a labial aging treatment.
Typically, Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that helps improve the aesthetic appearance of the external female genitalia, reducing the size or prominence of the labia minora (inner vaginal lips). Extra labia tissue can make exercising, riding a bicycle and even sexual intercourse painful. Labiaplasty surgery is usually performed on women who feel their vagina has been stretched or disfigured in some way. The vagina can become darkened, enlarged and it can sag after pregnancy or for other reasons. For many women, labiaplasty addresses these issues to ensure a more symmetric and cleaner appearance of the external genitalia. This procedure does not affect the vaginal canal.
A: It's designed for any woman who finds their labia overly prominent, protruding, misshapen, asymmetric or saggy. Please note that Dr. Kasrai performs labiaplasty primarily for aesthetic purposes. However, as a secondary benefit, the procedure can also help with excessive labia tissue that can make exercising, riding a bicycle and even sexual intercourse painful.
A: Ideal candidates are women who:
The most common reason why my patients request labiaplasty is to decrease the size of their large labia minora to improve comfort. Aesthetic appearance is usually a secondary reason.
A: There is such a huge variation of what "normal" labia look like. In fact, even if you have long, protruding and thick labia, this can be considered "normal". There are variations in colour as well. For this reason, it's important that you don't compare yourself with images of other women. As long as your labia aren't causing you pain or some type of health issue, you're healthy!
Problems generally arise when the labia minora are long or protrude, so that they are no longer covered by the labia majora and are exposed. Because the labia minora are sensitive, this can cause discomfort.
A: You may have enlarged or misshapen labia from birth. You can also develop them later on. Two primary causes are aging and childbirth. Another cause for enlarged labia majora that's less common is dramatic weight loss.
Some of my Toronto labiaplasty patients think that using a vibrator or masturbating too much can cause prominent labia by stretching the tissues. This is untrue.
A: While labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure that reduces the size and shape of the labia, vaginoplasty is the surgical procedure that allows for vaginal tightening; this means that the vaginal walls are made smaller and tighter in order to make the vagina look and feel younger, it can be considered as vaginal reconstruction. The main points of difference is that one, labiaplasty, deals with the external look of the vagina; while vaginoplasty treats the internal look and it’s a longer procedure with a longer recovery time and more complications involved. Our team only performs labiaplasty.
A: Labiaplasty is often likened to female circumcision, performed mostly in African countries, because it can change the shape and size of the vagina by cutting off excess skin. This is a common misconception, as female circumcision refers to the cutting and/or removal of the clitoris. This cosmetic surgery does NOT do that. This surgery can ENHANCE sexual satisfaction for both partners, although it is not designed for this purpose. There are people who claim that labiaplasty surgery is not a necessary procedure because it doesn’t treat any life threatening conditions; this is the same controversy that surrounds almost all forms of plastic surgery, people will often have conflicted views on this subject but it should only matter how you feel and what labiaplasty can do for you.
A: Labiaplasty can be performed on you if you're a minor, however it is important that you are mature enough to understand the surgery and related risks. You should also be mature enough to handle potential complications in the rare event they occur. Usually, consent from a parent or guardian is necessary, although this doesn't have to be formal. I wouldn't operate on a minor if their parents didn't know that he/she were having surgery.
A: Most of my patients feel more comfortable approaching their mother to discuss the subject, however you should talk to the parent you feel most comfortable with. Express how much discomfort your labia are causing you. You may want to see your family doctor or gynaecologist as well, so you and your parent(s) can get medical advice about whether labiaplasty can help.
A: Nobody really "needs" labiaplasty. It is an elective procedure that you can choose to have if you want. However, if your labia are causing you discomfort because they're constantly being irritated by clothing or when performing certain physical activities (due to friction), then this procedure may be suitable for you. It's also an option if you find your labia aesthetically displeasing. For example, you may find that when you wear a bathing suit, you have "camel toe". Some patients report that their labia is so prominent and bulky that it makes them look like they have a penis. Trim labia can be achieved with the procedure to give you a sleeker look.
What you need to know before your labiaplasty procedure.
A: You'll get a complete list of instructions on how to prepare for your labial reduction procedure. These instructions include what medications or supplements you should avoid for the weeks before your surgery, such as aspirin, gingko giloba and St. John's Wort. These are just some of the medications and supplements that can increase your risk of bleeding and bruising. You should tell me all the things you're taking so I can advise you on their safety. Restrictions on drinking alcohol and smoking are also outlined. Make sure to follow them to adequately prepare your body for your procedure. This will make the experience safer and you'll also be able to see your results sooner!
It's better to avoid having sex or exercising rigorously the night before your surgery.
Labiaplasty is an ambulatory procedure; you’ll be able to go home afterwards without having to spend the night in the hospital or clinic. However, there are some considerations you need to take before going in for your surgery, such as:
A: All women undergoing a labiaplasty procedure will require basic blood and urine tests as well as a pregnancy test. A physical examination of your genital area will be necessary during your consultation to allow an assessment of the kind of procedure you may need; you might believe your problem is one thing but when we examine you, it might be something else. A physical exam is the best way to assess the issue and plan the most efficient course of action.
A: Depending on the amount of correction and labia trimming you require, the surgery usually takes about an hour. Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves changing the shape and size of the labia minora and/or majora, improving the external appearance of the vagina; it’s a procedure that needs to be done with the utmost care and patience, the surgery can take from one to two hours and it’s done under anesthesia so the patient never feels anything during the procedure. Although it seems like a long time for a minor surgery, it takes this long because our qualified and experienced surgeon will always try to perform the procedure in the best possible way hoping to minimize pain during recovery and working towards the best outcome for our patients.
A: Labiaplasty involves shortening the vaginal lips. Unwanted tissue is removed with a scalpel or possibly a laser, and the loose edge may be stitched up. This cosmetic plastic surgery procedure is mainly done in women who have experienced a very noticeable stretching of their genital tissues and wish to have their vagina look young and natural once again. Get a consultation with our top of the line surgeon and find out if labiaplasty is the best procedure for you.
A: Women who suffer from some sort of vaginal hypertrophy are good candidates for labiaplasty; this can be experienced in the form of loose labia minora, large labia minora, and over stretched vaginas due to pregnancy. Most of our patients request labiaplasty to reduce the size of their labia minora in order to make their lives more comfortable; as excessive vaginal tissue can cause extreme pain and discomfort as it rubs on your clothes. A secondary reason for this surgery would be the esthetic appearance of their vaginas; women can be very critical of themselves and their self esteem can be damaged if they feel their vaginas are deformed or not normal. You don’t have to feel abnormal if your labia is larger than before; many women have experienced this enlargement of their private areas, especially after childbirth.
A: The labiaplasty procedure or the "Toronto Trim" can cost between $3,200 and $3,800 plus facility fees. Prices vary from surgeon to surgeon in Canada; generally the labiaplasty cost ranges between $3000 and $6000, depending on the needs of the patients and how experienced their surgeons are. You should look for a team that offers you the best services, the most experienced and knowledgeable surgeons and at the best fees you’ll find in Toronto.
A: Usually we suggest that you undergo labiaplasty on both sides to avoid an asymmetric labia minora. Working on both sides of the labia minora will give you the natural and symmetric appearance you desire after going through the healing process.
A: Yes, of course! We know how important it is for our patients to maintain their privacy in the O.R. We have a full team of all female nurses and assistants to help during surgery; you can rest assured that with us your peace of mind is of utmost importance.
A: Your surgery can be scheduled at our private surgical facility or St. Joseph's Health Centre in west end Toronto.
A: Most of the time, only local anesthesia is administered. In very rare cases, general anesthesia is administered if labia majora reduction is performed.
A: Anesthesia is applied locally for this procedure; your whole vaginal area will be numb and you won’t feel anything during surgery. If general anesthesia is needed your surgeon will advise you of it and plan accordingly. After surgery, if you experience pain or discomfort it can be controlled through medication. This would be just for a few days.
A: Incisions are made to remove excess tissue, then the incisions are closed and dressed. Liposuction may be performed to remove excess fat in the labia majora. This is commonly done for the mons pubis.
A: Any surgery has the potential of scarring. The vaginal tissues are very much like the tissue inside your mouth, it heals easily and with minor scarring. While other surgeons rely only on that to assure their patients of no scars; I have developed a very efficient suturing technique that minimizes the possibility of scarring by at least 25%. With her technique you don’t have to worry about scars.
A: Most medical insurance policies cover the treatment of labial and vulvar diseases; while labiaplasty may occasionally be done to treat diseases that involve the labia (like cancer), most insurance companies will balk at covering this type of surgery only for cosmetic sake. Your insurance may cover labiaplasty if it’s deemed medically necessary; we recommend having your primary doctor or gynecologist document your complaints and discomfort with the size of your labia, this way it may be possible for you to get the insurance company to cover the surgery.
A: The procedure is generally very low risk; it’s safe and effective when performed properly with experience and care, you will be in safe hands with our meticulous and experienced surgeons. As with any other surgery there are some low risk involved such as:
These are very rare and hardly happen. Our team is skilled and will take the utmost care when performing your surgery.
What you should know for after your labiaplasty procedure.
A: Labiaplasty is a relatively minor procedure that takes about an hour to perform. Patients can go home the same day of the surgery. Once you are discharged from our facility, your surgeon will give specific instructions as to what to do. In general, you need 2 or 3 days rest immediately after surgery and at least from 4 to 8 weeks rest from extenuating activities such as sex and exercise. Our surgeon will advise you when you can resume normal activities such as sexual intercourse and exercise. It’s normal for our patients to not want to say the reason of their surgery at work; that’s why we may use a general medical excuse letter to avoid giving specifics about the surgery. Keep in mind that during your healing process, your surgeon will monitor your progress.
A: Immediately after surgery you’ll be sent home to rest for at least three days, more if necessary. You will be given a prescription for painkillers to take during your recovery to avoid infection and relieve pain.
There are certain considerations that you must take after your labiaplasty, such as keeping the vaginal area clean during your healing process. You are required to gently cleanse the area on a daily basis, especially after using the washroom. You may also be required to wear a sanitary napkin in the weeks following the procedure to soak up any light bleeding that may occur after surgery. Please follow your post surgery instructions. Be careful during your recovery since the best outcome for your procedure hinges on how well you look after yourself during your recovery.
A: Labiaplasty cosmetic surgery can’t cause loss of sensitivity when done correctly; you can rest assured this risk is extremely rare. Our team takes all the precautions necessary to ensure your safety and your comfort before, during and after surgery. While there is some sensitivity in the labia, the major sensitive point in the vagina is the clitoris. The clitoris is the biggest pleasure point for any woman and surgery doesn’t touch this area. However, it may reduce the amount of tissue covering the clitoris in a procedure called clitoral hoodectomy.
A: After labial reduction some of the deep sutures under the skin can take up to three months to completely dissolve; that’s why some of our patients may report itching for up to three months post-op. It is a normal side effect of the healing process. The skin itches because it’s healing and tightening around the sutures while they dissolve; this itching shouldn’t be painful or numbing, if you experience any abnormal pain in your vaginal area months after surgery then please notify me right away.
A: I consider labiaplasty a "weekend" procedure because you just need to take about 2-3 days off: Thursday and Friday. You'll most likely be able to get back to work on the following Monday.
A: If you feel unusual pain or sense that something is wrong, please call me as soon as possible. I will give you my direct line that you can call at any time, day or night. Even if it's in the middle of the night on the weekend, please contact me to let me know. I will be there for you!
A: For the first few days after your labia reduction surgery, you'll probably be quite swollen and bruised. In addition to your stitches, you may be worried about how you look. However, your appearance will definitely improve as you recover. After the first two to three weeks, you'll notice a significant decrease in the swelling and bruising. This will just get better everyday.
A: You'll need to wait about 24 hours after your surgery to take your first shower.
A: The incisions will be closed properly so you shouldn't feel any stinging or pain while you urinate. You'll be able to urinate normally. After you finish, you should gently rinse the area with water (you can use a squeeze bottle) then softly pat dry. Don't push too hard while defecating. In the rare event you feel any pain, please let me know immediately. It could mean that your incisions have opened or you may have an infection.
A: You can start having sex about a month after your labia reduction surgery. If you have sex too early after your labia reduction, you may jeopordize your recovery. Your sutures may open up. This is quite painful and you'll need to see me to have them closed up again. Your scars may also be worse if this happens.
A: You can start exercising after about four to eight weeks (depending on your recovery rate). Before this time, you can do gentle, leisurely exercises like walking. This will help your circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots.
It's important that you avoid any activities that could irritate your labia during the first month, such as tampon use, horseback riding or wearing very tight clothes and thongs. However, this may be shorter if your recovery is fast.
A: I take extra care to place any incisions in the natural creases of your genital area. I also apply a unique suturing technique that won't cause ridging or bunching of the tissues. That way, the resulting scars will remain well hidden and smooth, like the surrounding skin. By following the post-operative care instructions I'll give to you before your surgery and practicing good hygiene, your scars will gradually fade into thin, silvery lines. This can take about a year or so. You, and others, will barely see them!
A: If your recovery is normal, then you'll be able to see your optimal results in about four to six months. However, you should be able to get a good idea of how you'll look at about six weeks or so, since that's when most of the swelling and bruising is resolved. As with any surgery, you have to go through the entire healing process, after that, all the bruising and swelling will have resolved and the tissue will look uniformly healed and symmetric.
A: Some numbness is common after surgery, especially because of the swelling that occurs. This numbness will go away as the swelling subsides. Therefore, it is usually never permanent. Some patients are concerned that labiaplasty may diminish their sexual sensation but it shouldn't be a concern. This is because the clitoris is the focal point of sexual sensation for women. Labiaplasty doesn't affect the clitoris.
A: Labiaplasty can be safely performed with other procedures targeting the female genital area, such as clitoral hood reduction or labia puffing. Clitoral hood reduction is a procedure that reduces the amount of tissue that covers the clitoris (prepuce). Labia puffing is a procedure that adds adds your own fat to the labia, making it plumper and less wrinkled. You can also choose to have other cosmetic procedures that treat other areas of the body, like breast augmentation for a dramatic makeover. During your initial consultation, we can talk about what you can have done at the same time. Doubling up on procedures, as long as they're safe, can also be a bit more budget-friendly.This is because you'll have to pay for the surgical facility only once instead of twice.
A: I have been performing labiaplasty for over 15 years. Although modern labiaplasty has been around for decades, I started at a time when it was still a relatively unknown procedure to the general public. Many of my patients were from outside of Toronto, and even Ontario. Most of my patients are highly satisfied with their results. I will perform revision surgery to address any remaining issues that weren't resolved in the original procedure that I performed. However, at this time I do not perform revision labiaplasty to correct the issues created by another surgeon.
Some reasons that a revision surgery would be requested include the following:
Please note that it can be difficult to fix labia when too much tissue has been removed. As a result, this procedure isn't really considered reconstructive surgery.
A: Miscommunication and misunderstanding between the patient and surgeon is a common cause of dissatisfactory results. That's why it's important that you find a surgeon whom you can trust and understands your goals. Another possible cause is an unpredicted colmplication. The risk of this happening can be minimized by following all pre and post operation instructions provided to you by your surgeon. You should also be straightforward and honest about your medical history and condition to ensure that the surgery is safe for you.
Your personal doubts regarding labiaplasty.
A: Keep in mind there is no normal size of labia minora because every woman is different. Your body is not the same as your neighbour’s body, what you might think of as abnormal could be what your gym pal considers normal. Some women have one labia longer than the other, some have both of their labia, inner and outer lips, the same size and so on, shapes and sizes are as diverse as there are women.
Most of our patients expressed a desire to have their labia minora be less prominent as their labia majora (outer lips of the vagina). It could be said that “normal labia size” is whatever you choose; based on your own opinion of what your vagina should look like and what would it take to make you comfortable and happy with it. I will create the best possible outcome for you.
A: Yes, any women of any age can consider labiaplasty if she feels it’s necessary. Remember: the problem that labiaplasty corrects is the enlarged labia which causes physical discomfort or unhappiness because of its appearance. This surgery is done mainly to improve the appearance of the labia.
Until now there hasn’t been any medical evidence that suggests that surgical procedures like labiaplasty can interfere with childbirth at a later age or that you need to have had a child in order to have this surgery.
A: It depends on the degree of labia abnormality. Your sexual partner may feel a difference after surgery because the excess tissue that was removed won’t interfere with your regular sexual intercourse and this might make things even more enjoyable for both of you.
A: Once your treatment is done it is difficult to recreate your labia to the previous size.
A: Our main cosmetic surgeon who specializes in plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Kasrai and her team have been performing labiaplasty for over 15 years; she’s developed unique techniques and procedures, and can be considered a pioneer of plastic surgery for women in Toronto. She also teaches how to perform the procedure at the University of Toronto, where she is an Assistant Professor.
A: Yes. I am experienced with labiaplasty surgical techniques designed to give you the results you desire; you’ll be able to plan the best surgery plan to suit your unique needs. Our team will guide you through the whole process so that you make the best decision with all the information you could possibly need.
There are two kinds of labia reducing techniques: edge-preservation, with this your labia maintains its natural color and contour, and the other one is edge-reduction, with this the pigmentation and thickened tissue of your labia is removed completely.
A: This depends on the availability of our staff and surgical facility. First, you should come in for the pre-surgical consult, then scheduling can be determined after that. However, labiaplasty patients can schedule their surgery up to one month in advance. We adjust our schedule to suit your needs so that you can plan your surgery and your recovery at your own leisure. This allows that you’ll have enough time to recover without stressing about keeping your daily appointments or rushing through your recovery to go back to work. Our team will help you plan the best timing for your labiaplasty.
A: These stitches are often used during labiaplasty because they are made of a material that dissolves without causing infection or pain; they may dissolve from 7 to 21 days after surgery, depending on the type of suture and the location of the stitches. These dissolvable stitches allow tissues to heal in the most natural way, which is why they are the best option for labiaplasty since the result should look as natural as possible.
A: Yes, you may see before and after pictures of our previous patients during your labiaplasty consultation.
A: No, once you are healed the area will look and feel completely natural. Our surgical techniques create the most accurate and natural outcomes, both in appearance and feel. You'll be impressed by how natural your intimate body contour will look!
Every type of surgery carries inherent risks. However, the risks associated with labiaplasty are rare. To minimize the risk of surgical complications further, be sure to follow all of my pre- and post-surgical instructions carefully. Some risks include:
There is a higher risk in patients who are smokers, are diabetic or have poor circulation.
Please note that your results may be affected by subsequent pregnancy and childbirth.